World Anime Club or WAC was originally known as Anime Lovers
(AL) until last year, when it evolved itself into WAC. WAC is a club dedicated
to expanding the realm of anime as far and fast as humanely possible. WAC not
only works to focus on anime itself but also on cosplay, gaming,
art and other fields of the Anime World.
WAC is not a stand-alone club but is supported by various
sub clubs such as the World Art Community, the World Cosplay Community, the World Gaming
Community and its various local subordinate clubs.
The Club doesn’t stop at being a simple gathering of people
but extends itself to events organizing, magazine publishing and much more.
Current projects of the Club include the release of a magazine and the hosting
of a website. Anime Reign, the magazine created by the WAC, aims not only to
explore the Anime World but also Cosplaying and Gaming World. It shall also be
featuring a piece on Japanese culture and include various puzzles and quizzes
for the entertainment of its readers. The website itself too will include
games, puzzles, quizzes, cosplay tutorials and spotlights, gaming reviews and
anime related reviews, news and fun facts.
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